Spring After School Classes-  Open Now!

Click HERE to register!

Capture Memories with Felise Photography

The OB PTO is proud to announce that we are partnering with Felise Photography to bring our OBE families an opportunity to capture a moment in time with your littles. Whether you are looking to commemorate a 4th grader's last spring as an Eagle, a preK student at the brink of their kindergarten year, or anything in between, this photography session is for you.


Felise brings tons of experience photographing candid shots of elementary-aged kids having taken photos for numerous area schools. She brings that experience to us for one Saturday only, so make sure to take advantage of it and book your time slot(s) today. Check out her work here or on Instagram @felisephotography. 

Click HERE to book a time slot!

Yearbook Sales are Open!


4th Grade, the OBPTO buys your yearbook!

But remember to purchase

your 4th Grade Ad!






Click here to see how the OBPTO works to make your child's educational experience better- and why you should support us!





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Click HERE to purchase tickets.