2024-2025 Board Members
These board members are volunteers and are dedicated to providing you the support you need.
We're glad you're here! The OBPTO is a volunteer organization and we represent ALL families at Old Bonhomme. Your voice matters and your participation in the OBPTO makes a difference for all of the children of Old Bonhomme. The OBPTO funds field trips, class parties, social events for families, teacher mini-grants, technology, and much more. Our volunteers also give their time helping out in classrooms, planning and staffing events, and spreading love to the amazing staff at OB.
We welcome all parents and guardians to be actively involved, either by volunteering for an event or committee or by making a tax-deductible annual contribution.
We look forward to a fantastic school year together with your input and participation!
-The OBPTO Board
Jennifer Tuttle, Co-President
I am entering my second year serving as co-president, and I'm so excited to continue working with all the amazing people I meet through this opportunity. I started on the board as Corresponding Secretary when my son was in kindergarten, and I have served as VP of Fundraising in the past as well. Now, my son will be moving into the middles school and my daughter will be in third grade here at OB. I love being involved in the OB community and am looking forward to another fantastic year.
Tanya Hamilton, Co-President
I am the parent of an amazing Old Bonhomme second grader. As Co-President of the Board, I am excited to serve and support our school. In addition to the OBPTO, I serve as a Trustee on my neighborhood Association Board and as a member on the St. Louis Association of Realtors Professional Standards committee. When I’m not working as full-time real-estate agent, I love to travel, spend time outdoors and go on new adventures with my daughter.
Krista Ward, VP Fundraising
Responsible for fundraising, I oversee the committees and activities that help generate funds for the PTO to help further our work with after school programs, teacher grants, and family & parent activities. I joined the PTO because I wanted to help raise funding to allow all OB students the same access to enriching and fun activities – regardless of cultural or socioeconomic background differences. I love being part of the OB community! Originally from Wisconsin and New York, my husband (Scot) & I have lived in STL for more than 18 years and decided to put our permanent rooms in the Olivette area for the diversity and welcoming nature of the community. We are the proud parents of Elizabeth, a first grader, plus 2 dogs and a cat.
Jess Lee, VP Events
Hello! I have two amazing kids: my daughter is heading into first grade, and my son will be in kindergarten for the ’24-’25 school year. This will be my second year on the OBPTO Board, and I am excited to participate with and enhance our Old Bonhomme Community! In addition to working full time as a healthcare insurance compliance officer, I enjoy hiking with my family, watching cheesy horror movies, and hanging out with friends.
Sam Wendling, Co-Treasurer
My family is calling this our golden year - the only time all three Wendling boys (Brennan, 4th grade; Luca, 2nd grade; and Teddy, Kindergarten) will be at Old Bonhomme together - and I am proud to spend it serving as your co-treasurer. Professionally, I work for a non-profit doing finance and operations and wearing many hats. Outside of work, I live for family time, whether that means outdoor adventures, playing board games, or hanging out with our rather large extended family. I hope to see you soon at Villa Park, on the bike path, or around town in Olivette!
Kathy Turner, Co-Treasurer
I attended Ladue Schools (OB class of '93, LHWHS class of '00!) , and am a mom of two beautiful kids (girl OB, boy LECC).I 'm a registered nurse but currently I stay home with the kids and am primary caregiver for both of my parents. In addition to the PTO, I serve as a trustee of the Chevy Chase neighborhood, volunteer at LECC, and canvas for local elections. Now more than ever, I believe reinforcing our community is crucial and I'm happy to serve when and how I can. I enjoy reading, writing, exercising, and I'm a political junkie!
Renee Phillips, Corresponding Secretary & PDC Representative
I have two rambunctious, fun-loving boys. One will be entering the middle school this year, and his little brother will be going into 2nd grade in the 24-25 school year. I'm so proud to be a part of our community and school. Design and travel lover. Bad but enthusiastic dancer. Side hustles include chauffeur to too many children's sports and activities to enumerate (why are there so many?), painting and home design. Professionally I've been in Marketing including brand design, voice, art direction and communications which I lean on when supporting Old Bonhomme. Best bribed by tacos and happy hours.
Sara Raj, Recording Secretary
My family lives in Olivette and will have both of our girls attending OBE in the fall (3rd grade and a 1st grader). We love the OBE community and the amazing families we’ve met so far and the teachers that give their to the kiddos. Besides my job as a mom, I also work in Human Resources full time, and try to spend as much free time with the girls and my husband hiking, baking, cooking, and crafting.
Lindsay Suk, Parent District Council
My name is Lindsay Suk, and I’m so happy to be serving as your PDC representative this year!
My husband Will and I have two children, Ellie (11), and Kingston (8, third grade at OB). They keep me very busy (chauffeuring, usually!), but I still feel that it’s so important to donate my time back to their schools.
I can’t wait to get to know everyone as we get started on another fantastic school year!
Grace Johnson, Board Advisor
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Sunday, March 16
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19